Take advantage of exclusive offers and benefit from a privileged experience as soon as you join. Immediate discount on your first booking, early access to our private sales, unique surprises and special treats during your stays, member-only offers, and much more. Your loyalty is rewarded throughout the year.
Create your accountSimplified and personalized booking
Via your personal account, you can view your past and future booking history, and enter your food and activities preferences so that we can tailor your stay and better please all your wishes.
An account at hand
1 - How do I create an account?
Easy as can be! To create an account, go to the registration page, fill out all appropriate information in the form fields and enjoy the advantages that Infiniment Barrière loyalty program offers you!
Create your account2 - How do I log in?
To log in, connect to your personal space Infiniment Barrière with your login and your personal password.
Log in3 - How do I activate my account?
To activate your account, go to, in the “Activate your account” section, select “Activate your account”, fill out your Infiniment Barrière identification number and your last na
Activate your account